N-Number Inquiry Results

Data Updated Each Federal Working Day At Midnight

N783TH is Assigned

N-Number Entered: 783th Aircraft Description
Serial Number 467 S 912 KIT Status Valid
Manufacturer Name THEODOR M HAURI Certificate Issue Date 06/28/2017
Model PIPISTREL SINUS 912 Expiration Date 06/30/2027
Type Aircraft Glider Type Engine 4 Cycle
Pending Number Change None Dealer No
Date Change Authorized None Mode S Code (base 8 / Oct) 52516534
MFR Year 2019 Mode S Code (Base 16 / Hex) AA9D5C
Type Registration Individual Fractional Owner NO
Kit Manufacturer PIPISTREL D O O AJDOVSCINA Kit Model SINUS 912
Registered Owner
Street PO BOX 13
County HILLSBOROUGH Zip Code 03033-0013
Type Certificate Data Sheet None Type Certificate Holder None
Engine Manufacturer ROTAX Classification Experimental
Engine Model 912ULS2 Category Amateur Built
A/W Date 07/12/2019 Exception Code No
The information contained in this record should be the most current Airworthiness information available in the historical aircraft record. However, this data alone does not provide the basis for a determination regarding the
airworthiness of an aircraft or the current aircraft configuration. For specific information, you may request a copy of the aircraft record at https://aircraft.faa.gov/e.gov/ND/
Other Owner Names
Temporary Certificates
Fuel Modifications
Deregistered Aircraft
The duration of aircraft registration certificates has been extended up to 7 years. The Registry will be issuing revised certificates in batches based on the former expiration date. For verification purposes, even though the expiration date on the registration certificate may not match the expiration date in the FAA Aircraft Registration database, any registration certificate displaying an expiration date of January 31, 2023 or later is still valid. This applies to all foreign Civil Aviation Authorities or anyone else with a verification need.

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D O T Triskelion

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Federal Aviation Administration

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Washington, DC 20591

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